Tuesday, March 2, 2010

amazing feats

The boys doorway now has a Chin-up Bar affixed, (which I have only smacked my head on once) and all the kids, even Little Bit have been working on their upper body strength. Here's Little Daddy...

(Well maybe not really, But Miss H knocked out two in a row! Amazing!!)

Can you believe this??

This is Cubby signing the AVP (Audio/Visual Policy) For Kindergarten. We have tossed our hats into the ring so to speak... we find out what our school assignment is in a few weeks.

Amazing feat here as well... Miss H helped me on Sunday afternoon to cook dinner, and while we were chopping stuff for the stir-fry that night we managed to prepare dinner and side dishes and a few lunches for the entire week. That's right!! In under two hours we made dinners for a whole week.

Also did you notice something missing?

Yep... it's gone. Unfortunately there is no new tooth on it's way just yet. She just might be the cutests little snaggletooth I ever saw.

Do you see this sunday hair? Yes, I know!! Amazing!!!

Finally, look at this picture of both subjects looking at camera!! AMAZING!!

oh wait.. I meant here..

(Well close enough!)
Miss H and Lil Bit are sporting new looks that Mimi Viv and Auntie Winter sent through the mail, now if someone could send a box containing things for the boys perhaps I would have an amazing feat about lack of whining!

We have also started soccer and Field Hockey, and the older kids have a performance coming up in church. Woo hoo. It is an amazing life.


Anonymous said...

oh sorry I ment to send some hats for them... I will send some boy stuff shortly.That dress is really cute maybe a little big, but cute, you can reverse it too so the balloons are showing too!! xxooxoxo love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Chech out this blog http://www.dana-made-it.com/2010/03/celebrate-boy-closure.html
this month is the month of the boy! you might like it.

Heather said...

I love your life!! Lil bits hair is so cute. I can't believe how much it has grown. Amazing!