(Well maybe not really, But Miss H knocked out two in a row! Amazing!!)
Can you believe this??
This is Cubby signing the AVP (Audio/Visual Policy) For Kindergarten. We have tossed our hats into the ring so to speak... we find out what our school assignment is in a few weeks.
Amazing feat here as well... Miss H helped me on Sunday afternoon to cook dinner, and while we were chopping stuff for the stir-fry that night we managed to prepare dinner and side dishes and a few lunches for the entire week. That's right!! In under two hours we made dinners for a whole week.
Also did you notice something missing?
Yep... it's gone. Unfortunately there is no new tooth on it's way just yet. She just might be the cutests little snaggletooth I ever saw.
Do you see this sunday hair? Yes, I know!! Amazing!!!
Finally, look at this picture of both subjects looking at camera!! AMAZING!!
oh wait.. I meant here..
(Well close enough!)
Miss H and Lil Bit are sporting new looks that Mimi Viv and Auntie Winter sent through the mail, now if someone could send a box containing things for the boys perhaps I would have an amazing feat about lack of whining!
We have also started soccer and Field Hockey, and the older kids have a performance coming up in church. Woo hoo. It is an amazing life.
oh sorry I ment to send some hats for them... I will send some boy stuff shortly.That dress is really cute maybe a little big, but cute, you can reverse it too so the balloons are showing too!! xxooxoxo love you guys!
Chech out this blog http://www.dana-made-it.com/2010/03/celebrate-boy-closure.html
this month is the month of the boy! you might like it.
I love your life!! Lil bits hair is so cute. I can't believe how much it has grown. Amazing!
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