We used a different service this time than we had used with other's. It was simpler, and it was missing this congregational response, that I just found so stirring before..
Call them to ministries of grace
Fit for each age, each time, each place.
Now in this sacrament we, too,
Renew our covenant with You.
These lines just speak to me of the hope that this new child of God will be called, not just once, but repeatedly by the Shepherd and used at each age, in every time, in every place. It really speaks to my mothering heart. Isn't that what we all want for our children and also for ourselves? That we might be instruments for His purpose? That we might have something to contribute for His will at every age. As I was standing there next to the Mr. (married 8 years tomorrow!!) I just couldn't help but tear up a smidge, because it is overwhelming. How small she is, this littlest one, and yet, already tuned for His purpose.
An infant baptism on the whole is different, and one of the things I love about it is what those last two lines say, it is the bearing witness that feeds me, that reminds me of my own responsibilities and promises as well as how we are equipped to deal with all that comes our way.
It was different this time too because as we were standing there before the congregation, with our Director of Christian Education explaining to the children their role in Bit's special day she remarked about how tiny Lil Bit was, and when she said, "Look how small her feet are!" to illustrate how much help she would need, Miss H reached right up under all that imperial batiste and revealed just how tiny! It was perfect.
With all of the children's baptisms we have wondered if they would shriek and holler. Given Bit's prior strong dislike of bathing, the suspense was intense. But, no tears, (maybe one from me, you know the Mr. is made of stone) no shrieks.
Lil Bit did wear the same gown that Miss H had worn (which I had made before she was born; it was one of my first smocking projects) I was certain that she would never fit given that she weighs nearly what Hannah did at a year, but the Yoke was high enough that it went all the way around, and believe it or not, it buttoned right up.
Here of course, are your flashback pics!!
Miss H and Cubby, January 7 2005
Little Daddy's Baptism October 14th 2007