Because the workmen "fixed" the water problem
Because the sun shined today and the pollen tide ebbs
Because Cubby sang his heart out at choir practice today
Because we got tuition assistance for Redeemer.
Because Little Daddy used his muscle buns to give Little Bit a good push on the swing
Because I didn't raise my voice until 5:45 today
Because I did triangle pose on both sides today
Because this view has been a mother's pride for more than 60 years
Because God is great and He loves.
The Easter dresses are beautiful! They look so clean and perfect.
I also LOVE the handprint picture. It is so cool that your house has a history of a happy family with a cute kid named Cindy!
I hope I'll see you tomorrow night (Wednesday)!
Fixed the water problem? Are you having the work done to keep the flooding from knocking on your door again??
i love this post :).
so sad that we've missed each other again over these past few (INSANE) weeks.
let's try again soon!
becca :)
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