Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snowed In

Yay! Snow day!!

While I didn't get to sleep in as much as yesterday, owing to The Mr. needing to leave for church super early to help shovel the walks, we did have a whole uninterupted day of leisure and joy (the cabin fever will probably set in tomorrow). The kids went out in the morning to Snow it Up... and after a morning snack... the fun unfolded.

Miss H was finally convinced to get some sewing projects started.

We made Mac N Cheese (the good kind from scratch with BACON!)

Here Lil Bit makes a lil bit of a mess crunching up the Cheez Its we put on the top.
We made Rice Krispy Treats. (sorry hands were too sticky for photo)

Cubby got to work learning to type with SpongeBob Squarepants. (He's rocking it at about 5 WPM in the home row, adding in i and e today set him back to 3 WPM)

Lil Bit, got into a little bit of trouble (When did she get big enough to pull the kitchen stool over to the oven, climb up and get herself a few extra treats? It was only Miss H's teacher voice that alerted me to the mischief as she scolded. "I really don't think that is appropriate behavior." )

And Little Daddy and The Mr. took a three hour nap, hence their lack o presence in the photos.

Here Lil Bit sets up a tea party for her and Kit. She just loves the little table and chairs H and Kit got for Christmas. The chairs now have cutesy chairpads that Miss H stitched up this afternoon.

So we got "THE CALL" around 5:00 with the glorious news that school is cancelled for tomorrow. Yipidee Do DAH! Here's hoping tomorrow is another mini vacay.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It Snowed... It Snowed... It Snowed Last Night..

Baby let's play hooky 'cause it snowed last night!

And play hooky we did, because the "Blizzard 20-10" dumped 6 inches of snow here, and plenty more in Virginia, which cancelled the indoor meet in Blacksburg that The Mr. was going to, and let us all enjoy having him home for another weekend of good family fun.

A recent trip to the Cracker Barrel renewed the kids interest in checkers so the Mr. and I dusted off the hand-made game set we bought long before we ever had kids, and he set to improving their game play. I couldn't help but snicker a little at the memories of that set and the little sunporch in our first house. The Mr. and I would sit out their on summer evenings after dinner and drink wine and play chess or checkers with this very set. Now of course times have changed and an added challenge to the game is keeping Lil Bit otherwise occupied because she will swipe a checker if you let your guard down.

So while we awaited the snowfall, the Mr. decimated each of the children in turn.

The troops headed out early, apparently according the Mr. they all woke up extra early like 6:30. I had no idea as it seems I have finally mastered the art of sleeping through the cacophony and did not arise until 8ish. (that might have something to do with why the Mr. does not look so happy in this photo)

I had just purchased next year's winter wear from Land's end for the kids, and Cubby insisted upon wearing it, although I explained it was still too big.
"No this is perfect! This is just how I like to wear it, and I don't really need to see in front of me at all" (well thank goodness!)

Looks kinda angelic doesn't she... (don't be fooled!)

So we hiked it to the local sledding hill and got a few runs in.. it was COLD out there, and we we're down to just one sled for the six of us because of an unfortunate incident in which according to Cubby, "Daddy's big old buns broke my sled". The Mr. claims it was frozen, I wasn't sure if he meant the sled or his big ol' buns, but anyway.. we will have to get a new one.

She really loves it. As a matter of fact, she makes this same face when we let her eat doughnuts. So this look of nirvana coupled with her ear splitting shriek when someone else has a turn on the sled lead me to believe we might invest in 2 more sleds.

The snow was not great for snow fights or snow men, (although they did make a great volcano) but it did slow everything down and render our little street peaceful. We headed back..

where we found the snow did not "keep the postman from his post" and we had the January book order waiting for us. So we had cuddle time, book time and movie time, and I had nap time! Which might be why the Mr. doesn't look so happy in this photo...

Finally, kudos to me, because my latest mommy invention is working like a charm!

When it snows we don't use the basement entrance, we use the office. Last snow (a week before Christmas) our family invested in some suction cup hooks, these coupled with some Rubbermaid lids let us hang all our coats and snowpants and store our boots hats and gloves without drippy mess, or heap of jackets. YAY!

Alright, Family history preserved... I'm off to cuddle The Mr. maybe he'll let me sleep in again tomorrow. Could I be so lucky?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The World is Macaroni, and Modge Podge

I'm sure you've seen Shrek the movie, and you may have even loved it. But C and H have been able to recognize the songs from the sound track since they were barely 2. I'm not sure what that says about my parenting skills, but whatever. "Shrek song Mommy!" Well, My Sister in Law gave us a kidZ Bop Karaoke Machine (with CAMERA) and guess what one of the songs is....
So they have come along way because when they first starting singing along it was, "Somebody once told me the world is macaroni, I ain't the sharpest spool of thread. She was lookin kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an elf on her forehead."

There is another video version in which Lil Bit is really shakin' her diaper, but I just don't think you can handle that! Their singing is actually not too shabby (thank you Mr. T) but the break-dancing is hilarious! I didn't realize that was something Miss Lauren was covering in Ballet, but it must be.. she certainly didn't get that from me!

Also, I have been Cricuting up a mini-storm and made a very cute if I do say so myself service wheel, which has been working like a CHARM for getting things done around the house.

Also a blessing block to solve all those arguments about who gets to say the blessing at each meal.

Look all our initials spell a word.. we're so cute.

I actually made two, because I was not so certain about if the wooden one would dent the table, or if the styrofoamy one would fall apart. Umm also, I love Modge Podge.

So this is a little proof, for when I take the kids to see the dentist that I do actually have them brush their teeth. I'm pretty sure said Dentist will take a look at Miss H's ground down, black and loose teeth and assume I am negligent in the dental hygiene department!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Little Updates...

So we have been working and working away here, The girls room got a new dresser which I found for only $75 at the Rescue Mission. They LOVE LOVE LOVE having a mirror to admire themselves in, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that there are enough drawers to keep all their things off the floor, and some room to spare (called two completely empty drawers!!) We also redid their closet effectively doubling their hanging space, and leaving a shelf at the top to sort their out of season wear.

Also, someone around here is growing like a weed and can no longer be contained by a highchair. So, we purchased a junior chair from IKEA like the other children have, and she "helped" build it. She only hit me a "few" times. Also, did I mention that I love IKEA and all it's swedish efficiency. I am not even exaggerating when I say I would love those designers come and figure out how to make the basement "work"... although probably I should get the contractor to figure out how to stop making it flood first..

and Voila!! A big girl, in her big girl seat.

Honestly, these chairs are awesome, they eliminate the need for booster seats, take up less space than a regular chair AND children actually sit in them!

We celebrated C and H's baptism day with a Giant Cupcake (as seen on TV) delish! (although in this picture it looks a little dented)

So it keeps going from seasonal to chilly willy around here and I am super glad that indoor soccer will start soon. We have also, I kid you not people, JOINED THE ---Y. I know, I felt sure our budget would never allow such a luxury but a generous Christmas gift from my inlaws has allowed me this absolute pleasure. We have been twice already, and I'm telling you, someone watching your kids while you workout, and also possibly shower if you are into that.. miracles never cease. And also, they have an indoor pool so the kids are getting in some swim time, and we all know how swimming makes kids REALLY REALLY TIRED... I'm telling you the gift that keeps on giving.

So I need some ideas (I'm talking to you creative people!!) on what to do on the wall behind the new dresser. Is it passe now to do their names? what would be cute tell me tell me.. or better yet.. make it and send it!!

Also, I might be addicted.. to the Y.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Say It's Your Birthday....

Well, tough luck this post is for my Dad. It's his birthday...
and here's a little known fact.. I missed it last year. I mean I told myself over and over and over again, that is was the 21st and to not forget to call on Friday, only guess what, the 21st was not on a Friday last year, and as I was hunched over like Quasimodo, with my stress fractures, bone spur and herniated discs I actually did not even call. Don't worry, he forgave me.. and I don't think he cried about it, (I have only actually seen him cry twice, once being my wedding, and once being the time he had to tell someone about how I almost never was because I was a preemie).. anyways this post is not about me.. it's about my Dad.. (but also sorry for the lame-o pictures apparently I only take pictures of the kids, and in going back through both of my photo albums, I only existed for formal dances and graduation).

So, no this is not a picture of me, this is a picture of Miss H with my dad, right at tower 9 where we always went to the beach in HB. Now I would like to tell you this was a scene from my childhood, reillustrated with my own daughter, but my dad spent most of my youth surfing, and so when I think of spending time with him at the beach, I recall countless hours of boogie boarding, sandcastle building and hermit crab digging, while my dad was a speck at sea.. I also recall trying to determine which little speck he was out there, and never figuring it out.
(Now of course as a parent in the "modern era" I throw up a little at these enumerable hours of unattended scantily clad childhood, seriously I never got kidnapped)
Where was I.. oh yes.. Also at the beach my Dad taught us to fish and also to eat what we caught. Which resulted in the absolutely smallest fish taco you have ever seen, and the largest single clam (about the size of lil bit's head) ever. He really can do just about anything from fish, to build, to sail, to fabricate, to cook (although mostly hotdogs and spaghetti).

Here he is sailing his model yacht.. I think this is the 1 meter division (did you know he was a state champion?) Seriously, he builds the boat from scratch, and works it via remote control, he even drafts the sails and sometimes stitches them up.

Here he is building a rocking horse for C and H. This could very easily have been taken years before as it seems my whole childhood is littered with sawdust covered memories. He really can build anything.

That's me in the middle in case you don't reconize my smile underneath all those chins and atop all that "belly". Also, my dad is standing a stair up from The Mr. because although he is larger than life, he is not nearly as tall. Aren't they handsome.. these men.
Well, this is one of my favorite pics from my wedding (and apparently the last time someone took a photo of me and my dad together).

Happy Birthday Dad!! You are an amazing person, skilled in every trade of hand and gifted with a provision of love that is unfathomable. I am awed by your generosity and humilty, and overwhelmed by the foundation you built for my life.

Here's hoping the surf is good today!!

Much love!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Best Things in Life

come in twos around here..

Two Babies

Two Boys

Two Girls

Two New Blankets

Two Little Braids

and Today Two Birthdays for Two Special Aunties!!

Happy Day of Birth you two!!
**your presents will be late***
--also I was going to say two parents.. but apparently our picture has not been taken together sans children in the digital age.. It will take substanstial effort to rectify that....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Winding Down..Gearing Up

We celebrated the End of 2009 by going to the aquarium and eating at Chic-Fil-A. It was quite fun and entertaining.. we are winding down our beach vacation with Mimi and Papa and heading home to hopefully get back into a routine, and waterproof the basement.

I am curious about this new year and what it will bring. It is exciting to begin a year neither pregnant or nursing and it does leave me feeling a odd combination of wistful and excited. I have not yet worked out my own resolutions.. but I think the five hour car ride will give me adequate time to put a few thoughts together.
Here's hoping your New Year is filled more with the above.. and less of the confusion illustrated below.
