Wednesday, January 11, 2012

some things i never said as a kid

So Miss H came home from school and told me this funny story..

"I was sitting in class today and I was reading my Guardians of Gahoole The Journey book, and it was getting very interesting, and then I tapped the page but it didn't turn." Here she giggled a little bit and then finished, "I forgot I was reading a book not a Kindle! Isn't that the funniest thing, how can you forget you are not reading a kindle?"

She is quite hilarious and her sense of humor is developing, but it got me thinking about all the things that have changed since I was kid.

1 comment:

snoopy said...

I think that kinda of funny but sad to because well enjoyed turning the pages of a book, but wait now were all green because look at all the pages we won't turn and save all the trees
Way to go world
Now if they just stop cupping down trees
You have wonderful kids
We learn from them everyday
Thank you
Love auntie. Xxx